Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Preparation (Participants enter the conference room)

  1. Reciting Holy Qur’an
  2. Indonesia Raya and Sang Surya
  3. Speech from Chairman of INTERCONNECTS 2023
  4. Welcome speech from Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Keynote Speaker 1

  • Prof. Thomas Kivevele, PhD | The Nelson Mandela AIST, Tanzania

Keynote Speaker 2

  • Prof. Mahidah Mohd Saudi, PhD | Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Malaysia

Keynote Speaker 3

  • Prof. Hamit Solmaz, PhD. | Gazi University, Turkey

Keynote Speaker 4

  • Prof. Mustafa Mat Deris, PhD. | Expert Staff at PP Muhammadiyah, Indonesia

Question and Answer Forum